Experience Unlimited Driving

Fuel-efficient, high security supercars. Custom vehicles for any terrain. 

Innovative Performance

Detailed maps and personal assistance,

Anti-theft, long warranty, better insurance, fully automatic, underwater deep-diving, up in the sky flying. Dig a hole in a desert, unlimited water, electricity, Wi-Fi, mini-shower, storage and more.

Suitable to be driven on another planet, gliding over rocky hills on a magnetic cloud; a loophole in physics.

Discover universes in our fully customisable vehicle.


Members Only

To receive our latest models, you need to be an approved member of HOL Agency. Once confirmed, will receive a full catalogue of models.

Galactic Travel

Get Monthly Air Miles

Becoming a member gives you a monthly air and space mile allowance. To ensure you’re are safe, we’ve included a universal map, self-driving, self-repair and more. 

Fully serviced with snacks, shower/bathroom, security and defence features. Comfort meets elegance with the undisputed travel companion. 

Onboard is your state of the art Personal Assistant, Holly.

Holly is established using a unique satelite system and energy conversion in order to provide seamless flight on earth or space.

Pickups from any location, including emergency and personal security.

Large food and resources storage, high fuel-efficiency, with protective, camouflage, and fully automated for easy-living.

Jet Planes & Spacecrafts

Travel at high speed, with responsive safety features, self-charging, and large enough to fit a large cruise ship; make space unlimited.

Fully Habitable, Aerodynamic

Our Spacecraft is propelled by a 4-piece self-landing rocket:

 Features include:




Submarine Capabilities

All of planes are 3-in-1, capable of flight, dive and space exploration.